The QLS Difference
Queensland Lithotripsy Services clinic uses the only dedicated, ultrasound guided machine in Queensland.
Your treatment is not done in conjunction with any other treatment, it is a dedicated lithotripsy treatment.
Our goal is to treat the underlying cause, not to only provide symptom relief.
The Right Focus
At QLS our focus is you and your health - we want to see your quality of life returned to you as these painful conditions can be very draining and debilitating.
The Right Equipment
Using state of the art technology means you get a very accurately focused treatment as we can see exactly where and how deep to treat.
We use 2 different shockwave systems to tailor your treatment. Many tendons sit at different depths. In addition, using ultrasound guidance for visualisation allows us to calculate that exact depth and use the best piece of equipment for your treatment.
The Right Experience
Our Brisbane based orthopaedic lithotripsy clinic was set up in 2000 and has been running for over 20 years, with referrals from specialists, GPs, Physiotherapists and Podiatrists coming to the team. Our new clinic at the Gold Coast opened in 2020, extending QLS services down the coast.
The Right Team
Our friendly staff can assist you in scheduling an appointment. For certain conditions a referral may be required. When you speak to our Health Professional they will be able to determine whether this is required.
The Right Record
We have treated over 5000 patients with varying conditions. For many of these patients they have already tried many other options, such as anti-inflammatories, cortisone injections, orthotics, strapping, stretches, and more, to no avail. These very patients regularly achieve successful outcomes with focused shockwave lithotripsy.
No Distractions
Your treatment is not done in conjunction with any other treatment. It is a dedicated lithotripsy treatment. With over 2 decades of working exclusively with lithotripsy, QLS has a unique advantage over other services.
We use both focused and radial shockwave systems. For most tendon applications focused is the preferred method and is very accurate.
Having both types of technology also allows us to treat additional areas such as carpal tunnel syndrome, shin splints, lymphoedema and Erectile Dysfunction and Peyronies disease.